Wednesday, May 29, 2019

On Wartime and Postwar Commemoration :: essays research papers fc

Commemorating the actions of those who served in WorldWar I took many forms in its attempt to ease the sufferingand losses inflicted by the state of war. The creation of memorialsserved several purposes and with time, the meaningsassociated with them changed, as did the purposes withwhich they served. Support groups were formed to aidthose in need whose lives became radically changed by thewar, and in an effort to commemorate their service.Without aleving the pain completely, commemorationserved to ease the tremendous burden of guilt, sorrow, andresponsibility to those whose lives were now changedforever.World War I memorials generally roughshod into three separatecategories based upon the time of their creation. The firsttype of memorials were those which were created in theyears preceding 1918. These memorials scattered thelandscape and were created and developed at thecommunity level. The hard-on of commemorativememorials to the war served as a unifying symbol of thecommunity spirit and as a centerpiece with which to rallyaround. They also served as a physical statement againstthose who may offer dissenting opinions as to thecommunities involvement in the war effort. The moral highground was thus established in the symbolism of a unitedeffort. They also served to support the communitys braveyoung men who were off fighting gallantly for the securityand preservation of its ideals and in vegetable marrow the communityitself. Local memorials also served to inspire and motivatethose who labored in industry dedicated to the war effort.It created a sense of purpose and a recognition that whatthey were working for had a larger meaning and purpose.Local war memorials also served asrallying points for the enlistment of soldiers. The statuesquesoldier brazenly dashing to war was accompanied withlistings of locals who had enlisted. This inspired evengreater enlistment while creating a public record of scorn tothose who chose to ignore their "duty." As the war continued ancient a glorious moment and quickvictory, the memorials took on more of a role of a museum.The collection of combat memorabilia increased.Photographs, books, and art describing the war continued.Descriptions of the weapons of war and the port ofwarfare that was taking place on the front lines wasrequested, however in order to preserve the dignity of thewar, a good deal of censorship was practiced. Accounts ofthe barbarism were circulating back to the homefront throughletters and personal accounts of those who had returned.Government regulation of the memorials however,determined that in order to maintain support for the warand to quell ambition to the countries war efforts, the

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